วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cystic Acne Cure

Severe cystic acne and nodules are pimples on steroids. Unfortunately, this type of acne are the most difficult acne to cure. Many companies come up with "acne treatment" products that offer false promises - almost all topical treatments for severe acne do not work. I've tried many of them, yielding further infection to no results. Here's why.

Severe acne are acne deep into the skin. Contents of nodular acne include puss, sebum, and tons of bacteria. If treated incorrectly or slowly, cystic acne may lead to deep scars in the face. There are a few proven cystic acne treatments that do work, but none of these are topical cream treatments. A good cystic acne treatment is one that kills the bacteria to prevent further inflammation, stop the accumulation of sebum, and keep the pores clean so the sebum can come out. This cannot be done with ordinary herbs and benzyl peroxide. There are very few products that do anything for cystic acne - don't waste your money.

The fastest temporary way to get rid of a cyst is to allow your Dermatologist to pop it. They take a few sets of instruments to open the cyst, clean out all the puss, so the cystic acne becomes flat. Normally, they make up to three holes into the skin to clean out the severe pimples - this is a very painful procedure. After, the Dermatologist gives you medication to prevent infection. From here, it takes about two weeks to a month for the wound to heal.

Do not pop the cyst yourself unless you are trained to do it. Attempting to pop a cyst at home usually is impossible. You need a large hole in order to get all the contents of the cyst out at once. By popping the cyst, you will only get a small bit of puss out of the cystic acne, and you will need to pop the cyst multiple times to get everything out. When you attempt to pop the cyst on your own, the cyst usually doubles in size, leading to further infection. This leads to a higher probability of scarring.

Accutane is the top treatment today for curing cystic acne, and acne altogether. It has a success rate of over fifty percent. Accutane does three things:

1. Reduce inflammation in the acne (kills off the bacteria)
2. Reduces the production of sebum, reduces/stops the sebaceous glands from working
3. Decreases the buildup of cells which leads to the formation of whiteheads

By satisfying all three requirements, Accutane could cure severe acne over the period of six months. Blood samples must be taken each month, since this is a severe treatment and may cause internal damages, especially to the liver. Your Dermatologist may ask you to stop taking this treatment if severe side-effects occur. Despite the many risks Accutane poses, most people ignore them and take this treatment anyway because it is so effective.

Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the successful people who took Accutane, so I had to look into other treatments to cure my cystic acne. I ended up looking into many other cystic acne treatments, and the first treatments I looked into were topical treatments. They made my cystic acne worse. It wasn't just me - almost everybody with cystic acne who took these creams and "natural cures," including herbs and special foreign medicines, had absolutely no success. Cystic acne are tough; applying acids and bases to the cyst does nothing.

A good acne treatment consists of three parts:

1. Prevents pores from getting clogged
2. Kills off bacteria so inflammation cannot occur
3. Reduces the amount of sebum (oil) being produced by the sebaceous glands

With these three factors treated, acne cannot form. Do to the severity of cystic acne, additional factors must be considered to treating and preventing the formation of cystic acne permanently. I, and many others have seen success with curing cystic acne by killing off 99.9% of the bacteria that causes inflammation in acne.

Choosing an effective acne treatment is an essential part of treating your acne. Search for an acne treatment Get acne reviews for products like sensiclear clearpores.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fighting Acne with Home Remedies

Acne is a very common skin condition, affecting women and men of all ages. Also known as pimples, acne can appear on the face and neck, back and shoulders. Although a serious problem, few people suffering from Acne Vulgaris seek medical advice. Usually they either try to fight acne with traditional means, such as well-known cosmetic creams (Pro Active, PhytoMe Acne Gel,DDF BP Gel 5% with Tea Tree Oil) and home remedies, or don't do anything, waiting for the pimples to disappear in time. Unfortunately severe acne leaves scars and it is very unpleasant especially for older people, because in old ages the skin cures slower after acne outbreaks.

The best therapy is to take care of the skin before the acne outbreaks even occur. Don't skip breakfast and don't waste too many nights partying. Yes, it's always fun to party, but when you have severe acne, the next morning's spectacle offered by the appearance of some new pimples is often too high a price to pay. Still, if you have no other choice and have to waste nights (let's say you are a DJ or simply employed in a club) consider cleaning your face daily with chamomile tea instead of soap and water. It will relax and deeply clean your skin. And always have some Tea Tree Oil close at hand - Tea Tree Oil is in many countries a popular pimple remedy.

If you are a smoker, it's time to quit. It's bad for your skin, bad for your lungs and quite an expensive habit. Reduce the quantity of chocolates (or any other chocolate-based products) you eat. Try to drink less coffee as well. Both chocolate and coffee are natural excitants. It is important to have a proper diet when you fight severe acne.

Some home remedies work pretty well. For example a mask made of oatmeal mixed with water works wonders on problem skin. Try this home remedy twice a week. Keep the mask over the affected portion of your skin for 20 minutes and you'll soon notice your skin becomes cleaner and less oily.

If you enjoy eating oranges, don't waste the peel. There's nothing better against swelling than a paste of freshly ground orange peel and water. Let it work for at least half an hour and then gently wash it off with lukewarm water. Whatever you do, don't stress your skin more. Peel, don't rub. After you wash, use a soft towel to dry, or better still, let your skin dry naturally. Next, put on a tonic. A concentrated basil tea is an excellent tonic for problem skin. Apply it gently with a cotton ball, twice a day if possible.

Whether you opt for home remedies or cosmetic products, remember that being consistent in your efforts is what will really hasten the cure.

And one last special tip for women: you can use contraceptive pills to treat acne. You can try this when nothing else works. However, be aware of the fact that contraceptives are not for every woman and seek medical advice before proceeding into this venture on your own. Ask both your dermatologist and your gynecologist whether the pills are a good choice for you or not.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Causing Food To Avoid

In this article I want to let you in on a little known secret about YOUR acne and how to defeat it. This piece of information is guarded quite closely by the acne industry because it means that acne is very simple and easy to cure. And that means they can't sell you expensive acne products anymore...

I used to suffer from cystic acne for many years. Like you I wanted a solution to this skin disease and was always trying things out to clear my skin.

I tried what my dermatologist gave me; antibiotics, accutane etc. These didn't work.

I tried the over-the-counters available in most chemists. These didn't work.

I tried some left-field therapies like acupuncture and homeopathy. These didn't work.

And I also tried some expensive cleanser systems that I found online. These didn't work.

So after many years of suffering from acne I still hadn't found a cure.

So I did some research into natural health and found out that food could be the answer. In actual fact it was the answer.

I discovered that certain foods caused hormonal imbalance. This imbalance resulted in my acne. So by avoiding these foods I could significantly clear up my acne. Not rocket science, but very effective.

The worst food for acne is vegetable oil. This causes massive hormonal imbalance and results in the worst kind of acne - cysts.

So I learnt where I was eating this food and made the changes to my diet to avoid it. I found I was eating it everyday without even realizing it! For example, I was using a vegetable oil as my cooking oil. I was eating junk food which had lots of vegetable oil in it. And I was using sauces that had vegetable oil too.

Once I learnt which foods I was eating that contained vegetable oil it became very easy to avoid them. And the difference to my skin was amazing. If you do the same you too can achieve a very easy clear up of your acne in just a few days. For more information on how to clear up your acne visit my website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Common Myths About Acne

Myth: Acne is a teenage ailment and will no longer be a problem when you reach adulthood.

True, it is usually associated with teenagers but many adults too suffer from acne, though the harshness may vary. Individuals over the age of 50 years rarely get acne. Five percent of women of the age of 40 years have acne, whilst in men it is only around 1 percent. It is estimated that about 75 percent of teenagers suffer from acne. Acne is said to be attributed to hereditary factors combined with many other factors.

Myth: Dirty skin or poor hygiene causes acne.

This is not true, however keeping the skin clean by gently washing and patting dry instead of rubbing dry as against vigorously scrubbing the skin when washing, would prevent the skin being infected by bacteria that give rise to acne.

Myth: Chocolates, fatty foods, pizza, fried foods and Coca-cola in the diet cause acne.

Scientific studies have shown that this is not the case. However consuming these, above-mentioned foods in moderation and eating a well balanced diet would be a healthier option. If, however you feel that eating a particular food/foods have an adverse effect on your acne, it is recommended that you avoid consuming these particular foods as they may be causing some allergic reactions. It has been found that foods with a high content of Iodine may aggravate the acne condition.

Myth: Stress causes acne.

Stress directly does not cause acne. However, stress could make the acne condition worse. Having acne as it is can be stressful for most and some medications used as a result of the treatment of stress may give rise to acne.

Myth: Sunbathing will help fight acne or improve the condition.

Sunbathing, instead of improving the condition could lead to other complications such as skin cancer, as sun exposure is the common cause for skin cancer and wrinkles.

Myth: Acne should be allowed to run its course.

This should not be the case today with the availability of so much knowledge and advanced treatment. Acne can be cleared up with the many products available today. However, if you have tried acne products and they have failed, then it is time you consulted your dermatologist.

Myth: Acne is caused by oily skin.

An oily skin could merely be a symptom of acne and not a cause. Generally, a person with acne has an oily skin, but is definitely not the cause of acne.

Myth: Acne is curable.

Though acne cannot be cured, it can be treated successfully to some extent.

Myth: You should not wear makeup if you have acne:

Not true. Make up does not cause nor does it aggravate the existing condition.

Myth: Acne can be caught by coming into contact with someone who already has it.

Totally false. Acne is not contagious

Myth: Having sex can give you acne.

This too is totally false. Even though testosterone, the sex hormone, is one of the major causes of acne, having sex definitely is not the cause of acne.

Myth: Scarring due to acne has no treatment.

Today, thanks to modern technology, one does not have to suffer with ugly scars for the rest of ones life. One can limit acne scarring by ensuring that it is treated as soon as it first begins to make an appearance.

Myth: The stronger the medicine used for acne treatment the better.

Generally, Benzoyl Peroxide is the widely prescribed medication for acne. A 2.5 percent of the medication is recommended as against a 5 to 10 percent of it. The 2.5 percent is found to be highly effective as well as gentle on the skin as against the 10 percent of it as it is harsh and it can dry out the skin and it also costs more money. Therefore if you a using a 2.5 percent Benzoyl Peroxide and it is working effectively, increasing the strength will not make it work better.

Myth: You can stop using your acne medication if it has all cleared up.

This is not recommended, as, if you stop your medication on your own too soon, it may cause your acne to come up again. Therefore, it is recommended you consult your dermatologist first before you take this action.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

7 Ways To Prevent Acne

There is no “cure” for acne, but there are many things you can do to prevent it from getting worse. Here are 7 things you can start doing right now to prevent your acne from becoming worse:

1. Drink the right amount of water.

You should be drinking about 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking more water will help to flush out any bad toxins in your body which will prevent you from getting acne.

2. Eat five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day.

Eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables a day will prevent you from your acne returning as this will keep your skin in a good condition. Eating five fruit and vegetables a day will provide you with the vitamins that you require to keep you healthy.

3. Exercise.

Exercising daily (even if it’s just a walk and you break a sweat) will help to prevent acne because when you sweat it is releasing bad and unwanted toxins from your body which causes acne.

4. Washing daily.

I recommend you should wash your face twice daily (once in the morning, once in the evening) with soap free facial cleanser and use a gentle and smooth flannel so you don’t cause irritation. Also wash your face after doing exercise which causes you to break into a sweat.

5. Touching and picking.

Resist the urge. You should try not to pick or touch it as this will cause it to worsen and take longer to get rid of. Touching and picking your acne will cause it spread around your face because you are irritating it.

6. Choose the right make-up for you.

Choosing the right make-up can help you from preventing you from getting acne or worsening it. If you purchase the wrong make-up, this may cause your acne to worsen. Many people who have acne and wear make-up prefer using water base make-up because this has natural ingredients in and doesn’t cause their skin to be too greasy/oily which will cause acne.

7. Remove make up.

Removing any stale make-up will prevent you from getting acne or worsening it. The stale make-up clogs pores and left there long enough it will eventually cause acne and blackheads to appear over night.

In conclusion, there’s many things you can do to prevent acne, and seeing as there is no “cure” for acne, preventing it in the first place is one of the best things you can do.

Liam Charr is the owner of the acne treatment blog, where you can find lots more useful acne treatment information. If you're interested in curing your acne then visit his blog right now.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Homemade Acne Remedies - 3 Effective Home Cures for Acne

A hope has always existed in the hearts of acne sufferers with a belief that there really are home cures for acne. Well, worry not my fellow victims of acne, for I have with me 3 effective homemade acne remedies that will help you become more radiant and confident once again and live in the open atmosphere of this beautiful planet.

So without wasting any more time, let’s get down with my 3 favorite home cures for acne.

- Honey

Follow the simple rule of drinking honey and wearing honey daily. By making this a daily routine, the speeding process of acne termination will become a daily routine as well until you achieve the radiant skin with an attractive complexion.

PS: Wearing Honey does not mean you literally wear it instead of your garments! You need to apply honey on infected areas on your skin.

Do not skip honey as a cure because it may not be homemade but it sure is a very effective home cure for acne.

- Grated Cucumber Juice

This may sound like something that works only for females, but it is NOT! It works on both genders. Applying grated cucumber juice on the infected areas is a highly recommended acne treatment and it is more effective in getting rid of blackheads.

- Sandalwood and Basil Paste.

Sandalwood and Basil paste is a very effective home cure for acne and it also helps improve your complexion and reduce the visibility of acne scars. Apply this paste on your skin for 10-15 minutes till it dries up and then you can wash it off.

In conclusion to this short article, I have made available to you three effective home cures for acne; Honey, Grated Cucumber Juice and Sandalwood + Basil Paste. It is up to you to start taking action or wait for that miraculous cure.

By following these three home cures for acne you are no doubt very close to an acne free skin and a better and a confident life.

Abi Shaan has suffered from severe acne for 8 years but he finally won the battle. For those serious about getting rid of acne permanently, do visit the site below:

==> http://www.natural-remedy-for-acne.blogspot.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Pimple Home Remedies - A Review

Acne is a malady that affects the skin. This ailment provokes the skin to produce cysts that are called by by different names according to their characteristics, such as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, zits, cysts, scars and lesions. This is a problem of mostly teens and young adults. Acne appears mostly on the face, neck, back and chest of many teens and young adults.

Individuals seek out acne pimple home remedies according to the degree of distress the acne creates in a person. The search for home remedies comes up to lessen or get rid of the acne outbreak and to stop scarring of the skin arising from severe acne. The use of benzoyl peroxide lotions in acne remedies aids in practical healing and inhibiting of new acne outbreaks. Most Americans and people worldwide have had acne at some time in their life. For difficult acne, prescription medicines can also be used. The use of prescription medicines can supplement home remedies, so that acne can be eliminated easily and quickly.

Home pimple remedies are better for curing acne. Some of the remedies involve orange, garlic, and cucumber. orange peel paste, when rubbed on on the acne area, assists in alleviating pimples. A paste made of of fenugreek is known as an acne cure. If you eat lots of fruits and vegetables and consume at least one quart of water daily, this is also considered to be a home remedy to cure acne. Acne pimple home remedies do not have any side affects (if you don't have any allergies to particular fruits and vegetables.

Natural treatment and allopathic treatment are both accessible as acne treatments. Allopathic treatment for acne involves over-the-counter products that are advised to be used for 4 to 6 weeks. Turmeric is another home remedy for acne. Turmeric contains anti bacterial properties. In history, turmeric was widely used by a majority, because it is considered to have a lot of medicinal value. Eastern cultures discovered that rooibos tea helps to sooth acne, that is also one of the many acne pimple home remedies.

For more detailed information on acne pimple home remedies, try visiting http://www.complete-acne-care.com, a popular acne website that offers tips, advice and resources including information on acne remedies and acne myths. You can also sign up to receive a free acne care newsletter.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne and Dry Skin - A Tough Combination

One of the toughest skin combinations to keep clear and healthy looking is acne combined with dry skin. This skin type, otherwise known as combination skin, presents its own challenges because each type of skin requires two completely different environments and skin care routines. Even though it is challenging, there are some things that you can do to keep your combination skin looking healthy and vibrant all year long.

One of the first things that you should remember about combination skin is that products that are intended to counteract each issue separately will not work on your skin. This is because products that are formulated for dry skin have oils and moisturizers that can add to your acne issue. Products intended to dry up acne, on the other hand, may cause dry skin. So what should you do?

Always use products that are formulated for combination skin. These products help even out skin conditions by moisturizing dry skin and absorbing oils on oily, acne prone skin. Keep in mind that moisture and oil are two separate things. You can absorb oil and replace moisture at the same time without exacerbating and existing acne condition. Here’s how:

Skin Care for Acne and Dry Skin

One of the most important things that you should remember when dealing with acne and dry skin is that a skin care regimen is vital. There is no way that you can skimp and ignore the needs of your skin. If you do, you will be left with a mess. At its most basic, your skin care routine should include the following:

* Cleanser – Use a balancing cleanser that will gently cleanse your skin without drying it out. Skin that is acne prone has to be cleansed more often than other types of skin. Keep this in mind when choosing your cleanser. Choose something that can be used multiple times daily.

* Toner – Toners and astringents are an important part of any acne skin care routine. Take care, though. Many toners that are made for acne prone skin are very drying. You need to make sure than anything that you use is made for acne prone skin as well as patches of dry skin.

* Lotion – Always use a daily lotion that evens out your skin. A good daily lotion will moisturize dry skin while absorbing skin oils that cause acne.

* Intense treatments – For especially difficult areas, you can spot treat your skin. Use acne treatments only on areas that are continuously affected by acne. You can also moisturize especially dry areas with a nightly intense moisturizer applied only to your dry skin.

Dry Skin and Acne: Things to Avoid

Just as there are things that you should do to treat your combination skin, there are some things that you should avoid. Keep in mind that everyone’s skin is different and yours may be able to tolerate the following to certain degrees.

* Sun – The sun is the number one factor that dries and ages your skin. On the other hand, Ultra Violet rays can work wonders at clearing up acne. To get the acne fighting benefits of Ultra Violet rays without the damage associated with sun bathing, visit a tanning bed twice weekly for about 7 minutes per session. This amount of light will not tan or damage your skin but will help dry up your acne.

* Cleansing pads – many cleansing pads formulated for acne riddled skin are extremely harsh and not intended for use on dry skin. People with oily skin can use these pads several times a day, but dry skin sufferers should not use them at all.

* Oils and moisturizers – Just as many treatments for acne can dry your skin, many treatments for dry skin can cause acne. Avoid products with heavy oils and emollients. Perfumes and certain moisturizers may also cause breakouts.

Treating dry skin and acne combination skin does not have to be confusing and impossible. It can be as easy as reading product labels and making sure that you are purchasing products that are formulated for your unique skin. There are several good products on the market that are perfect for combination skin; you just have to find the ones that are perfect for you.

Remember; combination skin can be tricky to deal with, but it can also be beautiful, healthy, vibrant, and acne free. Do your homework, and you will find the right skin care routine for your dry skin and acne.

http://www.dryskinsite.com brings you all the latest information you need to combat your dry skin problems. There's nothing to buy, just really helpful information. Be sure to check out pages like Acne and Dry Skin © 2007 copyright by DSquare Marketing and Della Franklin.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

4 Simple Methods To Clear Up Acne Scars

Acne scars can be a major inconvenience to anybody as it gives the idea of a bad skin complexion and sometimes causes a blow to one's self confidence. That's why it is important to understand and know the different ways of treating and clearing up scars left by acne. Here you will understand the different methods of getting rid of acne scars. Hopefully in the end your scars will be a thing of the past and you may have more good news for your skin's health.

Aside from expensive scars treatment methods which are found to be effective but not in the financial reach of most of the population, it is important to know that there are also some natural and much cheaper remedies in getting rid of acne scars. These are treatment methods that you can use to treat your acne scars right at the convenience of your home.

A natural acne scar treatment is the best solution method especially for those who possess sensitive skin because natural treatment doesn't create side effects or rashes that may further destroy your sensitive skin.

1. One of the leading methods of clearing acne scars is the use of oatmeal cleanser. It helps eliminate other skin defect like blackheads and also help sin the effective removal of acne scars. The oatmeal method consists of a mixture of rose water and an oatmeal powder; together they will form a paste that you can apply over the areas of your skin affected by the scars.

After applying it allow about fifteen minutes to pass then afterwards rinse with cold water, this process allows the oatmeal to close all existing skin pores and helps clear up a lot of your existing scars. To see the best kind of results you should do this everyday.

2. Another leading treatment option is the use of honey. Considered as one of the best natural remedies, honey plays a great role in defeating bacteria that actually causes acnes. After cleaning your skin, you can then apply honey to the affected part of your skin. Wait ten minutes before rinsing it with clean water.

3. Others include applying lotions and gels that are available at leading pharmacies and are highly recommended by professionals. The most important thing to remember when dealing with acne scars is that you should be patient with one kind of treatment and use it until the remnants of your scars are completely taken care of.

4. Another well known acne scar treatment is the use of the process called laser resurfacing. It's a process that involves a laser being applied to the affected skin and with that it will kill the bacteria that forms the scars. This can take anywhere from a number of minutes until an hour or so and usually takes between 2 to 10 days for the skin to heal completely.

Remember there are now a lot of ways to clear acne scars. Just be patient in looking for a method that can fit your needs.

Author is the webmaster of Acne Treatment and Acne Skin Care. Download Free Acne Ebook here

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cystic Acne Scars - How to Get Rid of Cystic Acne Scars?

Cystic acne almost always leaves scars, blemishes and sometimes even pits in the skin when it leaves. These scars span several layers of the skin and can take a long time to heal. It can even result in permanent marks, if the cystic acne scars are left untreated. This can be very embarrassing to carry on the face.

To avoid scarring, never ever touch or prick the acne cyst however strong the urge to do so may be. Pricking will leave pits and increase the impact of the scars. Cystic acne scars requires treatments like Chemical Peeling and other strong treatments to gain a permanent relief.

Our skins have the natural rejuvenation and exfoliation process. The epidermis or the topmost layer of the skin has 4 layers. Every day the cells on the outermost layer of epidermis get peeled off on its own and are continually replaced by the cells from the lower layers. In this way, mild scars are healed off on its own quickly. However, when the scarring is deep like the scars left over by cystic acne, it will take a long time to gain complete relief. Also, the presence of years and years of collected dead cells and debris on the skin makes it difficult to get rid of the cystic acne scars by this natural rejuvenation process.

Although, chemical peeling is a sure fire method to get rid of scars, there is a lot of risk when it comes to chemical peeling as it usually uses acids to peel the outer layers and can be very harsh on the skin. The right chemical peel for getting rid of Cystic acne scars would be based on a Natural Formulation without any of the harmful chemicals and should be approved by FDA for a safe home use. By using the right chemical peel treatment, you will gain a permanent relief from the scar marks left over by cystic acne and have a healthy younger looking skin.

Visit Scar Removal Story to Read my story and Find out How I got Rid of all my Acne Scars forever Using a Treatment that you can use at the comfort of your own house.

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วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Get Rid of Acne: 3.5 Super Fast Ways Get Rid of Acne Naturally

Is there going to be another day with an embarrassing look at yourself on the mirror and an extremely dull day with a low level of confidence?

Teenager and adults both suffer from Acne. There is no possible explanation to how Acne occurs, but there are possible treatments to get rid of acne.

Although dermatologists have come up with solutions to get rid of acne, there are thousands of complaints going around that the treatments are not permanent.

Unless you want to risk yourself to a laser treatment, I can assure that there is no guarantee that medical treatments can get rid of acne permanently without any side effects.

Why do you want to waste your money and your life on a totally risky situation? Do you think using different chemicals on your skin all the time is a safe game?

Has the thought ever occur to you that these chemicals could probably be worsening the situation instead of reducing it?

Don’t worry my friend, you will be safe now.

Acne comes naturally to almost to everybody at one time or another, so why not get rid of acne NATURALLY as well?

I am going to outline 4 simple ways to get rid of acne naturally and if you follow them as advised, there is no way you cannot get an acne free skin in a very short time.

# Using Honey Masks.

I keep repeating this over and over again to my colleagues and friends. There is no better way to get rid of acne naturally than the very natural substance called HONEY. Yes, that’s right.

Simply applying Honey on the skin as a mask for 10 minutes everyday will make a huge to your infected areas. In less than a week, you will notice you skin getting more and more clearer by the DAY!

# Using Apricot Juice

I wanted to sell this idea to others but I want to help you so I will say this. Apricot Juice has a special power in it that can literally cut off any whiteheads, blackheads, cysts and zits. I call it the laser treatment, because fights with your acne like laser. This is a very powerful way to get rid of acne naturally.

# Using Toothpaste.

I can’t stress enough the ultimate power of Toothpaste when applied on your skin. If you think I am joking, then ask yourself the following question;

“If toothpaste can be used to get rid of the bacteria in the teeth, why can’t it be used to get rid of bacteria on the skin?”

The theory is simple, and it has worked for millions who tried it. The trick is to use toothpaste with extra mint. This will make your bacteria scream to death and literally push the pimples and other decorations back to where it came from.

Do not try this if you have sensitive skin.

This is supposed to a natural trick to get rid of pimples overnight, but an overnight treatment for pimples can be a three day or four day treatment to get rid of the big boss called Acne.

So far I have mentioned three ways to get rid of acne naturally. These three tips are more than enough to change your life upside down in a good way, but I shall tell you one more way to get rid of acne but this is not for the faint hearted.

# Using Alcohol Rubbing

This is a very strong method to get rid of acne, and you need to be able to bear a little sting if you want to follow this method.

Take a Q-Tip and dip it in rubbing alcohol, then apply on the infected areas on the skin. It will sting, but hey, No Pain, No Gain.

So I have told you four ways to get rid of acne naturally. If you follow this plan, you are guaranteed to get an acne free skin in the least time possible, but how to make it permanent?

## DRINKING WATER! If you drink a minimum of 10 glasses a day, I can guarantee you an acne free skin for the rest of your life.

I can’t tell you how fast you will see results because it depends on how much you want to get rid of acne. The harder you fight with it, the faster it will accept defeat and run away.

Abi Shaan has suffered from severe acne for 8 years but he finally won the battle. Visit the site below to find out how he managed to get rid of acne with the easy to follow steps.

==> http://www.natural-remedy-for-acne.blogspot.com

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วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Reduction Methods - A Review

Moderate to severe forms of acne are usually the ones that lead to scarring. When a skin infection leads to inflamed skin and if cysts and nodules develop and break, bleeding usually occurs. Often, if the infection is deep enough, it might also lead to tissue damage. The result: acne scars.

How acne scars form

In a case of acne, the infection can spread from underneath the skin's surface and affect elastin and collagen fibers, effectively killing or damaging skin cells and tissues. When the body begins to heal itself, it tries to patch up the broken and damaged tissues. The skin, a functional tissue, is replaced with a scar, a connective tissue. This explains in part why it's usually easy to tell a scar from the rest of the skin.

Acne scar reduction

The best way to ensure that no scarring occurs in a case of acne is to prevent acne in its early stages. When pimples are only beginning to form, this is usually the best time to begin treatment. People who get acne make the mistake of believing in a common misconception about this condition - that there is something underneath the skin that needs to get out (pus, bacteria or cysts) and that it's best to wait and allow it to surface.

This is an erroneous belief about acne. The inflamed skin does contain bacteria and pus and in some cases, cysts, but it's not worth waiting for them to come out so that acne will clear up. It won't. You are more likely to get acne scars than clear skin if you let acne develop.

If you already have acne scars and want to reduce them, it's often best to see a dermatologist for a proper recommendation or medication. People who have acne usually have very sensitive skin and trying to self-medicate or seek the help of an unlicensed beautician who is ill-equipped to treat acne scars might only worsen the condition.

Methods used in acne scar reduction

Acne scars naturally recede and appear less noticeable over time but if you are not willing to wait that long, there are several methods used for acne scar reduction that you might want to discuss with your doctor. Each one is recommended depending on the size, type and severity of the scar. These include:

Skin peeling

Skin peeling is a method that utilizes chemicals to help lift off the uppermost layer of the skin. A strong peeling agent such as hydroxy acid or phenol is applied on the skin to encourage it to shed. The skin peeling chemical is only applied on the scars so that when peeled and reduced in size, it can create a smooth, level surface of skin.

Skin peeling is a common method used with scars although some patients with very sensitive skin might find the acid in the chemical too irritating. The rebuilding of the skin will also depend on the patient so if it does not heal quickly enough, the acid might contribute to more inflammation and scarring. Chemical peels usually take about two weeks before recovery.


Methods such as dermabrasion or microdermabrasion involve the careful surgical scraping of the uppermost layer of the skin in a controlled environment. This results to a reduction of the scar's surface and an evened out appearance of the skin. Abrasion is also effective in helping reduce skin pigmentation and acne spots.

Surgical scar excision

This is a surgical method of acne scar reduction that involves removal of damaged skin. A patient is placed under local anesthesia while the excess skin is cut. The remaining skin is then sutured and allowed to heal. This is a very effective method for deeper scars and marks although recovery time for this method is a bit long.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is one of the earliest methods used for acne scar reduction although it has also been used to prevent acne. Laser therapy effectively kills bacteria by encouraging the production of oxygen in the skin and it also burns away excess sebum. This helps reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as acne scar reduction and acne scar skin care and how to remove acne scars

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Tips On Acne Scar Treatment - How To Treat Acne Scars Naturally

Most of us have experienced acne at some point of our lives. However, for some people, acne is something that they have to deal with on a daily basis. If not treated properly, acne can remain persistent and leave ugly marks whenever the old ones are healed. Let us take a look at some basic skincare regimen that will help to keep acne at bay.

The most basic skincare regimen one can do is to cleanse the face well. However that does not mean using harsh products that strip off all the natural oils on your skin. Cleansing is a very important part of skincare and you should choose a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type while at the same time cleanses thoroughly and is gentle on the skin.

After cleansing, you should also exfoliate your skin at least once a week. Exfoliation aids in removing dead skin cells and helps to promote skin cell renewal. You can choose to use scrubs or lotion as exfoliates.

Next is to use a cream or lotion that is specifically for the acne. Some treatments contain very harsh ingredients. You can try to start with acne products that are more natural. An acne system like the Zenmed acne treatment kit produces excellent results for treating acne while at the same time remains gentle enough to the skin. This system is also one of the best for natural treatment.

After you have applied your acne products, you will still need to apply moisturizer. Many people make the mistake of not using moisturizer because they think it causes acne. Applying moisturizer is one of the most important things in your skincare regimen. It helps to heal and promote healthy skin. The point is to choose the right moisturizer that is suitable for your acne skin.

Treating acne does not need to be abrasive. As a matter of fact, with the advancement of technology and skincare products, using natural acne treatment is the best way to treat it.

Are you plague by acne woes? Learn to remove ugly marks with acne scar natural treatment methods. Click Here To Find Out More You can also read more on this article: http://EzineArticles.com/?id=963954

Angela Neo is lifestyle writer and internet marketer. She has written on numerous online publications on subjects like fitness, weight loss, fashion, skincare and lifestyle. She runs a website on natural acne cure at http://www.acnescarnaturaltreatment.org

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Tips - Amazing DIY Home Remedy to Lighten Acne Scars

Are you suffering from marks left behind by your acne lesions? Every breakout seems to leave you some red or brown marks that just take ages to heal and resolve. Would it be great if you can use some DIY home remedy to speed up the healing process?

Some people are genetically prone to such scarring marks. It is actually a type of hyperpigmentation that results from factors such as your skin type and genetics. The good news is these red or brown marks are not considered severe acne scars. If there is not depression of the skin around it, the discoloration will eventually lighten over time. It could take months, are you able to wait it out?

In the meanwhile, besides trying to conceal the spots with the best concealer you can find, how can you lighten the marks significantly in a short time?

Very simple, just go to your nearest grocery or supermarket and get a bag of small red onions (known as shallots as well)!

How does this work? Shallots are rich in Vitamin C, quercetin and isothiocyanate, which is very effective in counteracting any swelling. These substances are also able to fight off harmful bacteria that are one of the causes of acne.

I have tried these two remedies myself...

1) To lighten acne scars and speed up the recovery of acne scars

First, peel of the onion skin, wash and slick it into very thin slices. Put one slice on each mark you wish to lighten. Do this daily once a day and keep it going for about a week. You should observe some improvement to your acne scars!

2) To treat acne and reduce oily secretions

You may need about 5-10 small red onions. Peel off the onion skin, wash and chop into smaller portions. With a blender, blend these onions together with cold water until it resembles a paste. Use a muslin bag to squeeze out juice from the onion paste. Refrigerate the red onion juice (so that it does not sting too much), and apply gently on the face after it is cold. Wash off.

Onion can also be used for burns and other wounds as well. Are you amazed at how easy and cheap these remedies are? Try it and let me know if it works for you too!

Discover more about how you can treat your acne naturally and effectively, without the use of drugs, at http://www.squidoo.com/ihateacne

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Treatments: Discover the Best Way to Remove Your Acne Scars in 5 Simple Steps

You live in a world of customization. You can customize your hair color, manicure type, vehicle, health care plan and most certainly, your acne scar removal regime. But before you take one step in customizing anything- you plan. When it comes to getting rid of acne marks, you can plan to delete traces of your previous acne affliction in five time and money saving steps.

Step 1: Define your acne scarring situation

Measuring improvements require that you first assess your scarring situation. To find your most ideal acne scar correcting product, you need to clearly define the type(s) of cicatrices you wish to minimize.

Types of acne scarring include:

    Hyperpigmented spots- round, flat, darkened spots that remain after an acne lesion heals. In some instances, darkened acne spots can fade on their on in 2-12 months.

    Pock marks, ice-pick scars- these scars are indentations in the skin that result from loss of skin and fat tissue that occurred during the formation and healing of inflamed acne pustules or cysts.

    Rolling acne scarring- enlarged pores and the roughened skin texture that results from extended periods of moderate to severe acne.

    Hypertrophic scars- round, raised scar tissue that results from excess collagen growth during the acne lesion healing process. This is generally the least common type of acne scarring.

Step 2: Decide what changes you would like to see in your skin

If you have acne scarring, you most likely want your skin to look as if you never had acne. That's understandable. To make this scar disappearing act happen, you first need to precisely determine what changes you want to see with your scarring. For example, you may want to fade dark spots, and smooth away indented pock marks and ice-pick scars.

Step 3: Determine your budget and time commitment to improving your skin

You have numerous cosmetic and medicinal options for correcting acne scars. However, before dipping into your wallet, you want to ensure that One: You devised a budget to fully fund your scar removal method and Two: You have the time it will require to successfully benefit from your chosen scar removal methods.
To illustrate, lets say that you wanted to soften a hypertrophic acne scar. Your scar removal budget is $500US and time commitment is two months. With these figures, you could witness improvements in your raised scar by receiving two-20 minute- flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser (PDL) treatments within two months.

Conversely, if your scar removal budget was $50 and you had about 2-5 months to see improvements in this hypertrophic scar, you could use a $19 silicon or polyurethane patch. You usually need to wear these patches daily for 12 hours and each patch costs roughly a dollar. This brings the costs for your silicon patch based hypertrophic scar removal to about $60-$150US for two to five months of daily treatment.

Step 4: Match the acne scar removal treatment to your specific scar type

Not all scar removal treatments perform the same job. For instance, the silicon patch may fabulously flatten hypertrophic tissue, but could aggravate rolling acne scars. Similarly, while a deep chemical peel can reduce the depth of pock mocks, the same peel may have no effect on raised scarring. Here's a basic guideline for matching acne scars with the ideal acne scar removal treatment.

    Hyperpigmented spots- chemical peels, skin lighteners, intense pulsed light treatments

    Pock marks, ice-pick scars- dermabrasion treatments, deep chemical peels, advanced laser treatments administered by a trained professional.

    Rolling acne scarring- chemical peels, skin tightening laser treatments

    Hypertrophic scars- laser treatments, silicon patches, scar creams

Step 5: Consistent product usage

Once you've done steps one through four, all you need to do now is use the acne scar removal products and/or treatments consistently and as directed until your see optimal changes in your skin.
While having a “plan” for changing your skin may seem awkward, chances are this simple guideline will help remove doubts about freeing yourself of acne scars while saving yourself precious time and money. Moreover, a report in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology reported that having a regime while performing popular acne scar removal treatments like alpha hydroxy peels enhanced patient compliance and peel results. Why not treat yourself to an acne scar reducing plan.


Manuskiatti, W; Rungsima W & R Fitzpatrick. Effect of Pulse Width of a 595-nm Flashlamp-Pumped Pulsed Dye Laser on the Treatment Response of Keloidal and Hypertrophic Sternotomy Scars. Dermatologic Surgery; February 2007, vol 33, no 2, pp 152-161.

Meyer-Ingold, W & V Achterberg. Scar Reduction by Adhesive Patches: Efficacy and Potential Mode of Action. Wound Repair and Regeneration; April 2004, vol 12, no 2, pp A19.

Tung, R; W Bergfeld, A Vidimos & B Remzi. Alpha-Hydroxy Acid-Based Cosmetic Procedures: Guidelines For Patient Management. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology; March 2000, vol 1, no 2, pp. 81-88.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring can find custom, clinically proven solutions at Noixia.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Remove Acne Scars - 4 Different Approaches

The usual causes of acne scarring may often be attributed to late, inadequate or failed methods of treatment, where the skin infection was allowed to progress before any treatment was used. The most common root cause of acne scarring is inflammatory nodular acne or nodulocystic acne, where lesions go deeper into the skin, affecting the surrounding tissue. The damage, when healed, results in a scar.

Another cause for acne is the manipulation of the pimples. People who press, prick or squeeze their pimples damage the skin, causing tearing and bleeding. This manipulation can also lead to further skin infection, aggravating the acne and producing unnecessary scars. There are also certain areas of the face that can suffer more from acne breakouts. The temples, for example, may not recover as well as cheeks do because there is less circulation in those areas.

Removing acne scars

Acne scars, once they are fully healed, can naturally reduce in size and become less noticeable as time passes. This usually works for scars that are mild to moderate but in more severe cases of acne scarring, even time may not be enough to produce the desired results. To remove acne scars, certain treatments and procedures might have to be utilized.

Treatments for removing acne scars

It's still best to prevent scars from happening because it's usually very difficult to repair them once they have appeared, especially if they are the result of a severe case of acne. However, if acne scars have already appeared, there are methods that may be used depending on the type of acne scar and on the severity of the condition.


Some topical medications, such hydroxy acid, may be used to remove acne scars. In some medicated facial treatments, a chemical called AHA or alpha hydroxy acid combined with Vitamin C, some amino acids and other nutrients, may also be used. These chemicals are applied on the skin to produce a mild peeling effect. AHA preparations help increase tissue healing and regeneration and also encourage the production of collagen. However, they do make patients more sensitive to sunlight.

Another common treatment for the removal of acne scars is the application of Vitamin A-derived retinoids, sometimes in the form of retinol or as retinoic acid. Retinol is alcohol-based and can help restore the skin's moisture. Retinoic acid, on the other hand, tends to dry the skin. However, retinoic acid is more effective in producing smoother, firmer skin. It is also more capable of evening out skin tone.

For mild to moderate cases of acne scars, medications can usually remove acne scars although they often cause skin redness and dryness. Significant improvement usually takes some time because skin should be allowed to heal before the medication is applied again. This method of acne scar removal can cost anywhere from $200 to a little over $1,500.


Dermabrasion is a common cosmetic procedure used to even out the skin and remove bumps and red spots. This method of acne scar removal is essentially like 'sanding' the surface of the skin to remove the dermis or the topmost layer. It can effectively smooth out the skin and reduce the appearance and size of the acne scars.

Probably the only drawback to dermabrasion is that it can be quite expensive, with procedures ranging from $1,500 to more than $2,000.

Skin resurfacing

For this method, laser is often used to remove acne scars. Using pulsed beams of high energy carbon dioxide laser, acne scars can be superficially removed and reduced. The result is a much improved area of skin.

Skin resurfacing is actually one of the safest and most effective methods of removing acne scars. This is also used to treat patients who have adverse reactions to acne medications. Skin resurfacing usually works better with newer scars than with old scars. It is as expensive as dermabrasion and sometimes, it can even cost more. It also requires a longer recovery time.


To remove acne scars that have developed raised, excess skin, a surgical procedure may be utilized. This procedure involves excising the skin, removing the areas that show bumps. This is often the preferred method of doctors who have patients with very deep acne scars.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as how to

remove acne scars

laser surgery for acne and

acne scar healing

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Effective Acne Treatment

Prom night is a day away. You have your dress for the prom. Your friends have arranged for an escort. However, when you wake up there it is right on top of your nose is a zit, an ugly acne that you cannot hide. What will you do? Freak-out, hide behind the closet or cry your heart out because you will miss the prom night. You need not do this, I can help you with quick fixes and some proven acne treatments to ensure you will not miss the occasion.

Acne is a problem most teenagers suffer. In the olden days, teenagers who get acne miss out on a lot of things. This should not happen, please read below for effective acne treatments.

Acne Treatment

• Benzoyl peroxide is effective in drying out pimples. It also kills bacteria and unclogs the pores. You can find over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide acne treatments. Follow the label on how to use it.

• Retin-A is also an effective acne treatment but this is only available with your doctor's prescription. It may cause peeling and will make your skin sensitive to the sun. You should use this only at night and of course as prescribed by your doctor.

• Accutane, this is also an effective acne treatment but women needs to be careful in using accutane as it may cause damage to developing fetus.

• Topical antibiotics, they will help kill the bacteria and heal the acne. It may however take longer for your acne to be clear.

• Wash your face with mild facial foam at least twice a day. Do not over wash, because it may further irritate the skin.

• Do not prick your pimple, it may spread the bacteria and worsen your condition.

There are many more acne treatments you can try but you may need to seek the advice of your doctor.

If you do not want to miss your prom night, you may try the following quick fixes.

• Carefully prick the top of the acne with sterilized needle, not with your hands. Apply alcohol and it will dry out soon.

• To lessen the redness, use Vaseline eye drop.

• You may also apply ice and gentle press it on the zit for a couple of minutes and repeat every 15 minutes until the pimple shrinks.

• Use the magic of concealer if on the day of the prom there are still some traces of your acne.

Finally, you may not need acne treatment or its quick fixes if you can avoid having acne at all. Your face needs proper care. It starts by ensuring that your pores will never clog by washing your face with mild facial wash and keeping it well nourished is the key to clean and clear face.

Do not allow acne to make you feel inferior, your face is important. Take care of it and you will surely avoid acne.

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Control Acne With Your Acne Diet

As those who suffer from acne will tell you, learning to control it can be difficult and frustrating. There are so many components that can be responsible for acne, that determining what contributes to your specific skin condition can be a matter of trial and error for an extended period of time.

Lifestyle changes certainly increase your chances of remaining acne free. Adjustments such as changing skin cleansing regimes, adding topical creams to your repertoire, getting additional sleep, and adopted stress relieving techniques can all go a long way towards increasing the health of your skin.

But no change has more impact on acne - and the reduction of its effects - than adopting a stringent acne diet. What you put in your body makes itself evident on the surface of your skin. If you are currently eating foods high in salt, sugar, grease, and saturated fats, chances are that you are significant adding to your acne through a poor acne diet.

To implement an acne diet that will vastly improve the look and feel of your skin, as well as significantly prevent future breakouts, there are several things to keep in mind.

Commit yourself to avoiding foods high in salt, sugar, grease, and saturated fats as much as possible. Instead, focus your acne diet around whole and natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Fish in particular will give your skin a new level of health.

Not only will eating this way go a long way to increasing the overall health of your body but the change will almost immediately be reflected in your complexion.

Additionally, experts believe that increased dairy consumption can actually add to acne because of the hormones included in its makeup. So if you are suffering from acne, limit your intake of dairy as a part of your acne diet.

Increase your water intake significantly. Nothing does more to cleanse your body - and your skin - than water. Strive for the recommended eight glasses of water daily and you will be surprised at how quickly your skin takes notice.

Experts also report that Vitamin E will often exacerbate acne conditions. Instead, they recommend increasing Vitamin B5 consumption as this has been found to have positive impact in an acne diet. Be very careful when it comes to vitamins of any kind. Taking too much of any one vitamin can be unhealthy and sometimes dangerous. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking specific vitamins.

If after following your acne diet you are still not satisfied with the look and feel of your skin, be sure to visit a professional dermatologist. You may require an elevated level of care to ensure clear and healthy skin. Medical attention combined with a healthy lifestyle and an acne diet will do wonders for the health of your skin.

For easy to understand, in depth information about acne visit our ezGuide 2 Acne.

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วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Papule Pustulant

Acne papule pustulant has both papules and pustules. The papules are firm and solid. They may be red or almost invisible but give a grainy feeling when you touch them. The red papules are most noticeable and elevated less than five millimeters above the surface of the skin. When you scratch a papule open, it may become infected and crusty. The name papule comes from the Latin term "papula" which means a pimple.

When a pustule forms, it is usually over a hair follicle where the sebaceous glands exist. The glands form sebum and the skin sloughs improperly and seals the sebum inside the pore. This sebum causes the area to swell and create the domed whitehead we associate with acne vulgaris. The interior of the whitehead is filled with a mixture of dead skin cells, white blood cells and bacteria.

There are various reasons for acne. Some feel that diet has nothing to do with acne papule pustulant, but others link it as one of the causative factors. The increase in the sebum production comes from genetic predisposition, hormones, and testosterone in particular, and stress which also increases the production of hormones. Frequently the abnormal amount of skin bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes that maintains a proper level on the surface of the skin but thrives in the dark enclosed area of a blocked pore.

There are several treatments for acne papule pustulant. Washing with mild soap and avoiding scrubbing are important to the treatment. Many people with acne believe that rough scrubbing and frequent washing helps the skin. While normal hygiene is important, washing to vigorously or frequently actually stimulates the production of sebum.

Several medications help to dry the sebum and heal the pustules. The use of benzoyl peroxide, prescriptions creams that contain antibiotics, over the counter medications and applications, oral antibiotics, prescription retinoids, and home remedies.

In severe acne cases health professionals drain the pimples and cysts that result from the acne.

There are home remedies that many find to help clear the outbreak. One of these is quite inexpensive and yet extremely effective. Calamine lotion, the pink lotion that you normally apply to poison ivy and oak, works extremely well to dry the pustules and make the acne better. Just apply it at night, unless you feel that pink is your color and want to match your skin to your outfit. Wash it off in the morning with warm water and follow with a splash of cool water.

Change in diet effects the creation of sebum and removal of fried foods, sometimes grain products, milk and caffeine. One particular study found that those that ate a balanced diet and avoided greasy foods had fewer outbreaks. Another study felt that the consumption of milk might increase acne because of the addition of hormones to the cow's feed. The third study felt that keeping the body healthy with a good diet reduced stress that cases outbreaks and therefore reduced the outbreaks.

If you have acne papule pustulant try the recommended remedies first, but if it doesn't improve, seek medical attention to avoid scarring.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Reduction - 7 Facts About Laser Treatment

Acne scars develop when you poke your pimple. They are also marks left by the immune system as it tries to heal the lesions. For treatment, you better be prepared to spend more than $3000. When you have scarring, you will feel stressful, and it will undermine your self- esteem. Therefore, acne scar reduction becomes your goal to restore your dignity.

Usually the scars will go away without treatment. However, severe acne can result in permanent scars. Reducing the scarring follows the similar method in removing fine lines and wrinkles. One of the most common treatment for wrinkles is laser resurfacing. With the seven facts about laser treatment, you can decide if you want to try this method or not.

  1. Laser resurfacing removes acne scars by projecting a light beam on the damaged skin. It works like a dermabrasion. It removes the layer of the skin, revealing a fresh new tissue. This promotes the formation of collagen, filling scars from the inside out. Using this procedure, your new scar will become less noticeable with time.

  2. Treating a limited area requires a local anesthesia. For a complete facial resurfacing, an anesthesiologist will tranquilize you with the administration of intravenous sedation. The surgical procedure may take from 15 minutes to one hour to complete but the recovery times take up to several months.

  3. You may experience redness after the surgery. You should never touch it even you are tempted. The redness develops during the exposure of your skin exposes to powerful intensity of energy from the laser. It may take several months for the redness to subside.

  4. Dermatologists prefer laser resurfacing to dermabrasion because it is more precise when it vaporizes the scarred area. In addition, no bleeding is occurred.

  5. Fractional laser works differently than the conventional laser. It does not burn away the epidermis. Unlike dermabrasion and laser resurfacing, it works deep below the skin. Therefore, your healing will be faster.

  6. Both of these methods come with a high price. However, the insurance usually does not cover the cost of these surgeries because they are cosmetic procedures.

  7. If you have a darker skin complexion, it is better not to use this therapy. It can cause hyperpigmentation, or the loss of skin color. That is why you should discuss this matter with your dermatologist before you make any commitment. Your dermatologist can advise you whether laser treatment is suitable for you.

The removal of damaged surface of skin with laser therapy makes your skin smoother. Although this method costs a lot of money but it is an effective acne scar reduction. They work best against acne scarring and pigmentation problems but not deep, pitted scars.

You want to get rid rid of the acne scars but you don't want to spend so much money. Natural treatment for acne scars is now available. This is a lower cost option compare to laser therapy. Read more about Acnezine and discover how it can reduce and prevent acne scars. Find out how it can penetrate deep within your skin and promote healing for scarring. Get your life back today!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Prevention - Changing Your Life Style for Better Skin

From using weird-looking stuffs to sending oneself to the operating room, ways to eliminate acne have surely created waves in either simplifying to sophisticating the process. But somewhere in between lays the often-suggested way to help someone get around possible acne outbreak- life style changes.

Advocates of healthy living agree that once a person modifies the way by which he or she runs through a day, the possibility of lessening the development of acne is highly possible. Since lifestyle focuses exactly on how we live our daily lives, this means that changes will have to be integrated into normal living. This would result to a ripple effect of changes that are healthy enough to ensure that the person

Take your emotions into a controlled level. Never forget that the skin is the window to your soul. Any turmoil you feel inside would be reflected on the conditions of your skin. Low self-esteem, high level of stress and any other unnecessary negative feelings you have inside will become visible by the inflammation of your skin. You will notice that during when your stress levels are so high, there would be a great number of pimples sprouting in your face. However, during your relaxed periods, or during when you have manageable level of stress or any emotional chaos, you will notice that the number of pimples is minimized. Whether you believe it or not, stress is really one major factor as to hwy your skin is being damaged by acne. Stress, in itself, could result to overproduction of oil in the skin or it may cause you to take your face for granted, even for a while.

Thus it is highly recommended that you take good care of your emotional states as much as you take care of your body. Always maintain a manageable level of stress and be sure to have your personal time when you can do whatever you want without having to think of work, of school or of any stressful events.

Give yourself enough sleep, enough rest and enough leeway to relax yourself.

Practice good hygiene. We all have our personal ways of being hygienic however there are standard ways to maintain one's ideal hygiene level. If you used to wash your face thrice or more a day then you must learn that to be able to prevent acne, you must exercise twice-a-day washing practice. Or, if you are using astringents that have shrinking effects on the pores of your skin then it is in your best interest to stop using them right away as this could result to even more clogged mixture of oil, dirt and dead cells in the pores. It is also good to practice washing your towels regularly so that potentially harmful acne bacteria could be prevented from thriving on your towel and would later be transferred on your face.

Have a healthy diet. You would hear this all the time, even if you are not a sufferer of acne. Issues on oily foods may not necessarily be connected with acne but practicing a good diet will likely lead to fairer complexion. You don't really have to get away from peanuts, chocolates or caffeine. You, however, have to be very careful in choosing the foods that would help improve the condition of your skin. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as these have natural vitamins and minerals that are helpful in maintaining soft, beautiful skin (even though parts of it may be inflamed due to acne).

Drink plenty of liquids. When we say liquids these have to be water and fruit juices. Enough with carbonated and noncarbonated drinks. If you want to have a beautiful skin even while suffering from acne, you would have to increase fluid intake as this could help make your skin a lot healthier. If it would not help maintain your skin sufficiently (which of course an impossibility) then at least you would help the inner components of your body to maintain themselves healthily.

Have a good outlook in life. If you have an acne-bombarded face then live its reality but don’t let this consume you. Some people are become so absorbed with their skin problems that they are inhibited from normal functioning. They lose self esteem, self confidence and the zest of social life. Don’t let this happen to you. Acne is just a normal part of life and you will just have to deal with it with enough patience with active treatment.

You see, simple life style changes may not necessarily cure acne but they could help cure you of your acne-induce troubles.

For more information on acne and skin beauty, please go to:

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment - How To Treat Acne Mechanica?

Acne Mechanica is the name of the acne you may get when your skin is under pressure, is undergoing friction, is covered or is exposed to heat. Tight clothing that rubs against the skin, synthetic clothings that do not allow skin to breathe, pressure of backpacks, are some of the situations when acne mechanica may form.

Some other examples of pressure are- soldiers carrying heavy loads on the back, people carrying backpacks, athletes wearing a tight headband, women wearing bras with tight straps etc. Any such instance when the skin is tightly covered with cloth and pressurized makes it vulnerable. For example- people who wear very tight clothes made of synthetic material may get it.

Not everybody gets acne mechanica. Those who have a tendency to develop body acne may get it. Those with very small comedones may get it. When these small comedones are subjected to mechanical pressure and friction, they may flare up. Comedones are whiteheads and blackheads.

To avoid acne mechanica, wear loose fitting cotton clothing, avoid headbands, avoid constant pressure on the skin by any object and keep skin clean of perspiration. Wearing cotton clothes that breathe under your regular clothes can help. Washing yourself thoroughly after removing the irritating baggage/object can help. Keeping skin clean is a habit that can save you from acne mechanica. Take a thorough bath so that all the closed pores open again.

The treatment of acne mechanica is same as that for Acne Vulgaris. Some of the topical formulations that help treat contain- Benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol and Sulphur, Alcohol and Acetone, Azelaic Acid, Topical Antibiotics, Topical Retinoids and Nicotinamide.

Acne mechanica can be prevented by most of the people. Professionals, who cannot avoid such skin pressure, must take care of the skin immediately after getting free of their professional duties. Acne mechanica can cause skin scars. Protect yourself from it.

Click here to learn more about acne, acne treatment and prevention and treatment of acne scars.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Introduction - 3 Tips To Get Rid Of Your Acne Fast

Acne is one of the most common skin disorder that affect teenagers and also adults up to age 40. More than 85% of Americans age 12- 25 will have acne at some time or the other.

Acne is a very terrible and disfiguring skin disease that should be treated promptly. If acne is left untreated it can become infected can create scars all over the face, neck, chest and back that becomes permanent.

Acne occurs when the sebaceous glands, under your skin, become contaminated with oily toxic matter, which contains,

1.Dead skin,

2. Dirt,

3. Excess sebum oil,

4. Bacteria,

5. Acid Waste,

6. Toxic matter

The sebaceous glands secrete oil through the pores to keep the skin moist and lubricated; this is to protect the skin from drying out and from other effects of the environment. If the pores of your skin are clogged, then the toxic waste will be prevented from moving out which results in pimple growth. The pimples will also get bigger as the toxic waste accumulates under the surface of the skin.

When the pore walls underneath the skin are burst, the white blood cells will move to digest the collagens around the pores. This process is responsible for the formation of scars.

To avoid having scars, you need to start an acne-clearing program before you get acne or just as soon as you see acne coming so that your pimples and back heads don't get to the point where they get severely infected and burst.

Getting Rid Of Your Acne

Acne is a signal that something is going wrong in the body. Acne can be caused by several factors, these factors include: heredity, oily skin and androgens. There are other factors that can also cause acne pimples. Such factors include allergies, nutritional deficiencies, and exposure to certain industrial pollutants, cosmetics, stress and even allergic reactions to certain drugs.

1. To zap body acne and prevent it from coming back, you can wash your body daily with a salicylic acid based cleanser. Look for this ingredient on product labels.

2. Shower daily and be sure to shower as soon as possible anytime you have been sweating - such as after playing sports, working outside or just being in the sun. After your shower, you can follow up by a body moisturizer that contains Alfa Hydroxy acid. This will exfoliate skin and help prevent breakouts, without drying skin out.

3. At Nighttime you can treat body acne just like facial acne, by applying an acne zapping gel or cream at the effected parts.

To get rid of acne fast, it is not always possible to just do one thing and expect acne to go away. A balanced diet, herbal treatment, and colon cleanse alone may be able to clear acne. A balance diet will provide the nutrients necessary to build the immune system so speed up the process of getting rid of acne.

Do you suffer from severe Acne? Do you feel "stuck" or dissatisfied with the way you look? Whether it is a physical problem, an emotional issue, you can bring health, healing and wholeness back into your life. Visit http://www.cure-acne-fast.com for more information and learn how you can get rid of acne fast with a natural holistic cure.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Will Finacea Fade Bacne Scars?

Bacne scars appear on the back of the patient and they are clearly visible to the naked eye. Patients having bacne scars experience irritation, redness, swelling and itchiness. There are many antibiotics, ointments and creams available in the market to treat bacne. Finacea is a very effective ointment to treat bacne. Lets delve further into the positive effects of Finacea.

Finacea is a naturally occurring acid known as Azelaic acid. It's great for curing your bacne because it helps the skin to renew itself more quickly. It also reduces pimple and blackhead formation by killing the bacteria that cause acne and rosacea.

You should be cautious when using this medication. One thing to keep in mind is to not use Finacea on sunburned, windburned, dry, chapped, or irritated skin. It could make these conditions worse. Also avoid using Finacea on wounds or on areas of eczema. Wait until these conditions have healed before using this strong medication.

Another thing that is important in using Finacea is to avoid the use of abrasive, harsh, or drying soaps and cleansers such as alcoholic cleansers, tinctures, astringents, abrasives, or peeling agents.

Because the above reasons you should use Finacea exactly as directed by your doctor. If you do not understand these directions, ask your pharmacist, nurse, or doctor to explain them to you.

Regular use of Finacea on the affected parts on the back does reduce the sensation of itchiness. Regular use prevents the spread of bacteria causing bacne to spread to other parts of the back and the body. It is necessary that you apply the ointment regularly even if you see little or no results for the first few weeks. In fact it may take a few weeks or even two months after which the first signs of improvement will be seen.

To get rid of bacne once and for all, you may want to check out the following resource. It's inexpensive and full of effective home remedies that have no side effects.

In the Chapters of the special report How To Get Rid Of Bacne Super Fast, the 10 most asked questions are answered giving, you plenty of solutions to achieve the clear, beautiful skin you were born with. If you are ready to get that skin condition under control, How To Get Rid Of Bacne Super Fast will give you the most value for your money compared to any acne ebook on the market.

Click here for more information about How To Get Rid Of Bacne Super Fast.

Click here to read excerpts from How To Get Rid Of Bacne Super Fast.

Joey Pinkney is a freelance writer. His website, http://JoeyPinkney.com, is where he posts most of his articles. He is currently researching and writing about acne. Feel free and drop by and join his mailing list while you're there. He'd love to keep you posted on the developments is his website and the subjects he covers.

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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Tips - 3 Tips to Get Rid of Your Acne Infection Forever

Are you worried about your acne infection? Are you still concerned about your facial skin? Is your flawed skin tone starting to bother you way too often? If the answer to even a single question is 'yes', it's time you read this article with care.

Keep Your Face Oil Free

Blemishes are known to strike at will. Especially if you are a teenager, the chances are that you may be suffering from either blackheads or whiteheads. To be able to get rid of them, you would be required to cleanse your face with fresh water and mild soap. You simply need to remove the excess oil from your face.

Make Use Of A Face Pack

Pollution and stress play a major role in aggravating the acne infection. In order to remove the pollutants from the surface of your facial skin, you simply need to apply a face pack, preferably a fruit facial, on a weekly basis. Likewise, you can try and soothe your mind by listening to soft music.

Apply An Anti-Acne Cream

There are plenty of anti-blemish supplements available in the market today. In order to avoid the occurrence of whiteheads and blackheads, you need to try and apply an anti-blemish cream on a regular basis. These creams are readily available through an online store. Simply place an order and the cream of your choice would be delivered to your doorstep.

In order to look good and maintain a flawless skin tone, you need to try and make use of the above mentioned tips on a regular basis.

Watch out for more information on the Best Acne Treatment and grab your risk free trial of Acne Treatment Supplements now.

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