วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Control Acne With Your Acne Diet

As those who suffer from acne will tell you, learning to control it can be difficult and frustrating. There are so many components that can be responsible for acne, that determining what contributes to your specific skin condition can be a matter of trial and error for an extended period of time.

Lifestyle changes certainly increase your chances of remaining acne free. Adjustments such as changing skin cleansing regimes, adding topical creams to your repertoire, getting additional sleep, and adopted stress relieving techniques can all go a long way towards increasing the health of your skin.

But no change has more impact on acne - and the reduction of its effects - than adopting a stringent acne diet. What you put in your body makes itself evident on the surface of your skin. If you are currently eating foods high in salt, sugar, grease, and saturated fats, chances are that you are significant adding to your acne through a poor acne diet.

To implement an acne diet that will vastly improve the look and feel of your skin, as well as significantly prevent future breakouts, there are several things to keep in mind.

Commit yourself to avoiding foods high in salt, sugar, grease, and saturated fats as much as possible. Instead, focus your acne diet around whole and natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Fish in particular will give your skin a new level of health.

Not only will eating this way go a long way to increasing the overall health of your body but the change will almost immediately be reflected in your complexion.

Additionally, experts believe that increased dairy consumption can actually add to acne because of the hormones included in its makeup. So if you are suffering from acne, limit your intake of dairy as a part of your acne diet.

Increase your water intake significantly. Nothing does more to cleanse your body - and your skin - than water. Strive for the recommended eight glasses of water daily and you will be surprised at how quickly your skin takes notice.

Experts also report that Vitamin E will often exacerbate acne conditions. Instead, they recommend increasing Vitamin B5 consumption as this has been found to have positive impact in an acne diet. Be very careful when it comes to vitamins of any kind. Taking too much of any one vitamin can be unhealthy and sometimes dangerous. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking specific vitamins.

If after following your acne diet you are still not satisfied with the look and feel of your skin, be sure to visit a professional dermatologist. You may require an elevated level of care to ensure clear and healthy skin. Medical attention combined with a healthy lifestyle and an acne diet will do wonders for the health of your skin.

For easy to understand, in depth information about acne visit our ezGuide 2 Acne.

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