วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cystic Acne Cure

Severe cystic acne and nodules are pimples on steroids. Unfortunately, this type of acne are the most difficult acne to cure. Many companies come up with "acne treatment" products that offer false promises - almost all topical treatments for severe acne do not work. I've tried many of them, yielding further infection to no results. Here's why.

Severe acne are acne deep into the skin. Contents of nodular acne include puss, sebum, and tons of bacteria. If treated incorrectly or slowly, cystic acne may lead to deep scars in the face. There are a few proven cystic acne treatments that do work, but none of these are topical cream treatments. A good cystic acne treatment is one that kills the bacteria to prevent further inflammation, stop the accumulation of sebum, and keep the pores clean so the sebum can come out. This cannot be done with ordinary herbs and benzyl peroxide. There are very few products that do anything for cystic acne - don't waste your money.

The fastest temporary way to get rid of a cyst is to allow your Dermatologist to pop it. They take a few sets of instruments to open the cyst, clean out all the puss, so the cystic acne becomes flat. Normally, they make up to three holes into the skin to clean out the severe pimples - this is a very painful procedure. After, the Dermatologist gives you medication to prevent infection. From here, it takes about two weeks to a month for the wound to heal.

Do not pop the cyst yourself unless you are trained to do it. Attempting to pop a cyst at home usually is impossible. You need a large hole in order to get all the contents of the cyst out at once. By popping the cyst, you will only get a small bit of puss out of the cystic acne, and you will need to pop the cyst multiple times to get everything out. When you attempt to pop the cyst on your own, the cyst usually doubles in size, leading to further infection. This leads to a higher probability of scarring.

Accutane is the top treatment today for curing cystic acne, and acne altogether. It has a success rate of over fifty percent. Accutane does three things:

1. Reduce inflammation in the acne (kills off the bacteria)
2. Reduces the production of sebum, reduces/stops the sebaceous glands from working
3. Decreases the buildup of cells which leads to the formation of whiteheads

By satisfying all three requirements, Accutane could cure severe acne over the period of six months. Blood samples must be taken each month, since this is a severe treatment and may cause internal damages, especially to the liver. Your Dermatologist may ask you to stop taking this treatment if severe side-effects occur. Despite the many risks Accutane poses, most people ignore them and take this treatment anyway because it is so effective.

Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the successful people who took Accutane, so I had to look into other treatments to cure my cystic acne. I ended up looking into many other cystic acne treatments, and the first treatments I looked into were topical treatments. They made my cystic acne worse. It wasn't just me - almost everybody with cystic acne who took these creams and "natural cures," including herbs and special foreign medicines, had absolutely no success. Cystic acne are tough; applying acids and bases to the cyst does nothing.

A good acne treatment consists of three parts:

1. Prevents pores from getting clogged
2. Kills off bacteria so inflammation cannot occur
3. Reduces the amount of sebum (oil) being produced by the sebaceous glands

With these three factors treated, acne cannot form. Do to the severity of cystic acne, additional factors must be considered to treating and preventing the formation of cystic acne permanently. I, and many others have seen success with curing cystic acne by killing off 99.9% of the bacteria that causes inflammation in acne.

Choosing an effective acne treatment is an essential part of treating your acne. Search for an acne treatment Get acne reviews for products like sensiclear clearpores.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fighting Acne with Home Remedies

Acne is a very common skin condition, affecting women and men of all ages. Also known as pimples, acne can appear on the face and neck, back and shoulders. Although a serious problem, few people suffering from Acne Vulgaris seek medical advice. Usually they either try to fight acne with traditional means, such as well-known cosmetic creams (Pro Active, PhytoMe Acne Gel,DDF BP Gel 5% with Tea Tree Oil) and home remedies, or don't do anything, waiting for the pimples to disappear in time. Unfortunately severe acne leaves scars and it is very unpleasant especially for older people, because in old ages the skin cures slower after acne outbreaks.

The best therapy is to take care of the skin before the acne outbreaks even occur. Don't skip breakfast and don't waste too many nights partying. Yes, it's always fun to party, but when you have severe acne, the next morning's spectacle offered by the appearance of some new pimples is often too high a price to pay. Still, if you have no other choice and have to waste nights (let's say you are a DJ or simply employed in a club) consider cleaning your face daily with chamomile tea instead of soap and water. It will relax and deeply clean your skin. And always have some Tea Tree Oil close at hand - Tea Tree Oil is in many countries a popular pimple remedy.

If you are a smoker, it's time to quit. It's bad for your skin, bad for your lungs and quite an expensive habit. Reduce the quantity of chocolates (or any other chocolate-based products) you eat. Try to drink less coffee as well. Both chocolate and coffee are natural excitants. It is important to have a proper diet when you fight severe acne.

Some home remedies work pretty well. For example a mask made of oatmeal mixed with water works wonders on problem skin. Try this home remedy twice a week. Keep the mask over the affected portion of your skin for 20 minutes and you'll soon notice your skin becomes cleaner and less oily.

If you enjoy eating oranges, don't waste the peel. There's nothing better against swelling than a paste of freshly ground orange peel and water. Let it work for at least half an hour and then gently wash it off with lukewarm water. Whatever you do, don't stress your skin more. Peel, don't rub. After you wash, use a soft towel to dry, or better still, let your skin dry naturally. Next, put on a tonic. A concentrated basil tea is an excellent tonic for problem skin. Apply it gently with a cotton ball, twice a day if possible.

Whether you opt for home remedies or cosmetic products, remember that being consistent in your efforts is what will really hasten the cure.

And one last special tip for women: you can use contraceptive pills to treat acne. You can try this when nothing else works. However, be aware of the fact that contraceptives are not for every woman and seek medical advice before proceeding into this venture on your own. Ask both your dermatologist and your gynecologist whether the pills are a good choice for you or not.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Causing Food To Avoid

In this article I want to let you in on a little known secret about YOUR acne and how to defeat it. This piece of information is guarded quite closely by the acne industry because it means that acne is very simple and easy to cure. And that means they can't sell you expensive acne products anymore...

I used to suffer from cystic acne for many years. Like you I wanted a solution to this skin disease and was always trying things out to clear my skin.

I tried what my dermatologist gave me; antibiotics, accutane etc. These didn't work.

I tried the over-the-counters available in most chemists. These didn't work.

I tried some left-field therapies like acupuncture and homeopathy. These didn't work.

And I also tried some expensive cleanser systems that I found online. These didn't work.

So after many years of suffering from acne I still hadn't found a cure.

So I did some research into natural health and found out that food could be the answer. In actual fact it was the answer.

I discovered that certain foods caused hormonal imbalance. This imbalance resulted in my acne. So by avoiding these foods I could significantly clear up my acne. Not rocket science, but very effective.

The worst food for acne is vegetable oil. This causes massive hormonal imbalance and results in the worst kind of acne - cysts.

So I learnt where I was eating this food and made the changes to my diet to avoid it. I found I was eating it everyday without even realizing it! For example, I was using a vegetable oil as my cooking oil. I was eating junk food which had lots of vegetable oil in it. And I was using sauces that had vegetable oil too.

Once I learnt which foods I was eating that contained vegetable oil it became very easy to avoid them. And the difference to my skin was amazing. If you do the same you too can achieve a very easy clear up of your acne in just a few days. For more information on how to clear up your acne visit my website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Common Myths About Acne

Myth: Acne is a teenage ailment and will no longer be a problem when you reach adulthood.

True, it is usually associated with teenagers but many adults too suffer from acne, though the harshness may vary. Individuals over the age of 50 years rarely get acne. Five percent of women of the age of 40 years have acne, whilst in men it is only around 1 percent. It is estimated that about 75 percent of teenagers suffer from acne. Acne is said to be attributed to hereditary factors combined with many other factors.

Myth: Dirty skin or poor hygiene causes acne.

This is not true, however keeping the skin clean by gently washing and patting dry instead of rubbing dry as against vigorously scrubbing the skin when washing, would prevent the skin being infected by bacteria that give rise to acne.

Myth: Chocolates, fatty foods, pizza, fried foods and Coca-cola in the diet cause acne.

Scientific studies have shown that this is not the case. However consuming these, above-mentioned foods in moderation and eating a well balanced diet would be a healthier option. If, however you feel that eating a particular food/foods have an adverse effect on your acne, it is recommended that you avoid consuming these particular foods as they may be causing some allergic reactions. It has been found that foods with a high content of Iodine may aggravate the acne condition.

Myth: Stress causes acne.

Stress directly does not cause acne. However, stress could make the acne condition worse. Having acne as it is can be stressful for most and some medications used as a result of the treatment of stress may give rise to acne.

Myth: Sunbathing will help fight acne or improve the condition.

Sunbathing, instead of improving the condition could lead to other complications such as skin cancer, as sun exposure is the common cause for skin cancer and wrinkles.

Myth: Acne should be allowed to run its course.

This should not be the case today with the availability of so much knowledge and advanced treatment. Acne can be cleared up with the many products available today. However, if you have tried acne products and they have failed, then it is time you consulted your dermatologist.

Myth: Acne is caused by oily skin.

An oily skin could merely be a symptom of acne and not a cause. Generally, a person with acne has an oily skin, but is definitely not the cause of acne.

Myth: Acne is curable.

Though acne cannot be cured, it can be treated successfully to some extent.

Myth: You should not wear makeup if you have acne:

Not true. Make up does not cause nor does it aggravate the existing condition.

Myth: Acne can be caught by coming into contact with someone who already has it.

Totally false. Acne is not contagious

Myth: Having sex can give you acne.

This too is totally false. Even though testosterone, the sex hormone, is one of the major causes of acne, having sex definitely is not the cause of acne.

Myth: Scarring due to acne has no treatment.

Today, thanks to modern technology, one does not have to suffer with ugly scars for the rest of ones life. One can limit acne scarring by ensuring that it is treated as soon as it first begins to make an appearance.

Myth: The stronger the medicine used for acne treatment the better.

Generally, Benzoyl Peroxide is the widely prescribed medication for acne. A 2.5 percent of the medication is recommended as against a 5 to 10 percent of it. The 2.5 percent is found to be highly effective as well as gentle on the skin as against the 10 percent of it as it is harsh and it can dry out the skin and it also costs more money. Therefore if you a using a 2.5 percent Benzoyl Peroxide and it is working effectively, increasing the strength will not make it work better.

Myth: You can stop using your acne medication if it has all cleared up.

This is not recommended, as, if you stop your medication on your own too soon, it may cause your acne to come up again. Therefore, it is recommended you consult your dermatologist first before you take this action.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

7 Ways To Prevent Acne

There is no “cure” for acne, but there are many things you can do to prevent it from getting worse. Here are 7 things you can start doing right now to prevent your acne from becoming worse:

1. Drink the right amount of water.

You should be drinking about 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking more water will help to flush out any bad toxins in your body which will prevent you from getting acne.

2. Eat five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day.

Eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables a day will prevent you from your acne returning as this will keep your skin in a good condition. Eating five fruit and vegetables a day will provide you with the vitamins that you require to keep you healthy.

3. Exercise.

Exercising daily (even if it’s just a walk and you break a sweat) will help to prevent acne because when you sweat it is releasing bad and unwanted toxins from your body which causes acne.

4. Washing daily.

I recommend you should wash your face twice daily (once in the morning, once in the evening) with soap free facial cleanser and use a gentle and smooth flannel so you don’t cause irritation. Also wash your face after doing exercise which causes you to break into a sweat.

5. Touching and picking.

Resist the urge. You should try not to pick or touch it as this will cause it to worsen and take longer to get rid of. Touching and picking your acne will cause it spread around your face because you are irritating it.

6. Choose the right make-up for you.

Choosing the right make-up can help you from preventing you from getting acne or worsening it. If you purchase the wrong make-up, this may cause your acne to worsen. Many people who have acne and wear make-up prefer using water base make-up because this has natural ingredients in and doesn’t cause their skin to be too greasy/oily which will cause acne.

7. Remove make up.

Removing any stale make-up will prevent you from getting acne or worsening it. The stale make-up clogs pores and left there long enough it will eventually cause acne and blackheads to appear over night.

In conclusion, there’s many things you can do to prevent acne, and seeing as there is no “cure” for acne, preventing it in the first place is one of the best things you can do.

Liam Charr is the owner of the acne treatment blog, where you can find lots more useful acne treatment information. If you're interested in curing your acne then visit his blog right now.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Homemade Acne Remedies - 3 Effective Home Cures for Acne

A hope has always existed in the hearts of acne sufferers with a belief that there really are home cures for acne. Well, worry not my fellow victims of acne, for I have with me 3 effective homemade acne remedies that will help you become more radiant and confident once again and live in the open atmosphere of this beautiful planet.

So without wasting any more time, let’s get down with my 3 favorite home cures for acne.

- Honey

Follow the simple rule of drinking honey and wearing honey daily. By making this a daily routine, the speeding process of acne termination will become a daily routine as well until you achieve the radiant skin with an attractive complexion.

PS: Wearing Honey does not mean you literally wear it instead of your garments! You need to apply honey on infected areas on your skin.

Do not skip honey as a cure because it may not be homemade but it sure is a very effective home cure for acne.

- Grated Cucumber Juice

This may sound like something that works only for females, but it is NOT! It works on both genders. Applying grated cucumber juice on the infected areas is a highly recommended acne treatment and it is more effective in getting rid of blackheads.

- Sandalwood and Basil Paste.

Sandalwood and Basil paste is a very effective home cure for acne and it also helps improve your complexion and reduce the visibility of acne scars. Apply this paste on your skin for 10-15 minutes till it dries up and then you can wash it off.

In conclusion to this short article, I have made available to you three effective home cures for acne; Honey, Grated Cucumber Juice and Sandalwood + Basil Paste. It is up to you to start taking action or wait for that miraculous cure.

By following these three home cures for acne you are no doubt very close to an acne free skin and a better and a confident life.

Abi Shaan has suffered from severe acne for 8 years but he finally won the battle. For those serious about getting rid of acne permanently, do visit the site below:

==> http://www.natural-remedy-for-acne.blogspot.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Pimple Home Remedies - A Review

Acne is a malady that affects the skin. This ailment provokes the skin to produce cysts that are called by by different names according to their characteristics, such as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, zits, cysts, scars and lesions. This is a problem of mostly teens and young adults. Acne appears mostly on the face, neck, back and chest of many teens and young adults.

Individuals seek out acne pimple home remedies according to the degree of distress the acne creates in a person. The search for home remedies comes up to lessen or get rid of the acne outbreak and to stop scarring of the skin arising from severe acne. The use of benzoyl peroxide lotions in acne remedies aids in practical healing and inhibiting of new acne outbreaks. Most Americans and people worldwide have had acne at some time in their life. For difficult acne, prescription medicines can also be used. The use of prescription medicines can supplement home remedies, so that acne can be eliminated easily and quickly.

Home pimple remedies are better for curing acne. Some of the remedies involve orange, garlic, and cucumber. orange peel paste, when rubbed on on the acne area, assists in alleviating pimples. A paste made of of fenugreek is known as an acne cure. If you eat lots of fruits and vegetables and consume at least one quart of water daily, this is also considered to be a home remedy to cure acne. Acne pimple home remedies do not have any side affects (if you don't have any allergies to particular fruits and vegetables.

Natural treatment and allopathic treatment are both accessible as acne treatments. Allopathic treatment for acne involves over-the-counter products that are advised to be used for 4 to 6 weeks. Turmeric is another home remedy for acne. Turmeric contains anti bacterial properties. In history, turmeric was widely used by a majority, because it is considered to have a lot of medicinal value. Eastern cultures discovered that rooibos tea helps to sooth acne, that is also one of the many acne pimple home remedies.

For more detailed information on acne pimple home remedies, try visiting http://www.complete-acne-care.com, a popular acne website that offers tips, advice and resources including information on acne remedies and acne myths. You can also sign up to receive a free acne care newsletter.

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