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An Acne Home Remedy Does Exist, Will It Work For You

Have you tried an acne home remedy? There are an amazing amount of products that are probably sitting in your kitchen right now, just waiting for you to put them on your face! You might be surprised at how helpful these acne home remedies can be. An acne home remedy may be more effective than you thought.

In this day and age, many of us are used to buying our cosmetics in pretty bottle form, with the name of some well-known manufacturer on the side. And while there is no doubt that skincare specialists are working hard to bring us the most up-to-date combinations of chemical ingredients to help our skin look good, many of the basic ingredients they use can be found in our own kitchens, just waiting for us to use them as acne home remedies!

Homemade acne remedies can be as easy to put together as slicing a lemon. The astringent properties of this fruit make it a wonderful acne home remedy. Simply rub a slice of lemon over your skin before you go to bed at night, and see how clear it looks in the morning. Tomatoes are also a great acne home remedy, and can be used in the same way.

Other effective homemade acne remedies include garlic, which can be applied directly to spots and pimples. An application of mint juice is also helpful in treating skin conditions, including acne, insect bites, and even cuts and scrapes.

Raw papaya can also help reduce the swelling and soreness of those angry, sore pimples, as can a paste made from the peel of oranges. There really are a multitude of products available right from your kitchen that can be used as an acne home remedy.

While many of these products are the basis for the expensive cleansers that you will find at the drugstore, using them in a natural form can take a little more time. But remember that these natural acne home remedies can also be kinder to your skin than their manufactured counterparts, which can ultimately have a more healthful effect on the condition of your skin.

Your kitchen contains many products that could be your acne home remedy. If you are fed up trying those sometimes harsh, highly processed skincare products, then a homemade acne remedy might be the refreshing change that makes a real difference to your skin.

An acne home remedy may work better than you thought.

Find out more about Acne as well as Home Treatment for Acne and Adult Acne, Acne Skin Care Products, the Best Acne Treatments and more at Peter’s website, Acne All Gone.

[tags]acne home remedy, acne home remedies, homemade acne remedy, homemade acne remedies[/tags]

Adult Acne It's a Lot More Common Than You Think

While it is true that acne most commonly appears during the teenage years, it is just as true that a large percentage of individuals suffer from adult acne. In fact, figures show that as much as 25 percent of men and 50 percent of women in their twenties up to their fifties still experience pimple flare-ups. Adult acne can have just as much negative psychological effects as adolescent acne – perhaps even more so. The stress of having a career or raising a family is bad enough. Having to deal with an unsightly skin problem at the same time would be even worse.

Adult acne can be caused by several things, one of which is mental stress. The body can react to stress by increasing the secretions of the skin’s sebaceous glands or by releasing more hormones from the adrenal glands. Oils from the sebaceous glands can block pores, while a greater amount of hormones in the body can cause hormonal imbalance – both of which can give rise to acne flare-ups or exacerbate an existing acne condition.

It is not surprising that women suffer from adult acne more than men do, since women are more prone to hormonal imbalance. It is known that changes in hormone levels can occur during menstruation and pregnancy. But men, too, are subject to hormonal changes, though not to the extreme level that most women undergo. In any case, hormones play a great role in the occurrence of acne in adults.

Lifestyle and environmental factors also contribute significantly to the emergence of adult acne. A diet that is poor in the necessary vitamins and minerals can wreak havoc on how the body’s organs functions. The skin, being the largest organ in the body, needs nutrients in order to work effectively. If the skin is unable to metabolize or secrete the waste products that it needs to because of poor nutrition, acne can result. Habits such as smoking and drinking can also affect the skin’s condition and its resistance to diseases like adult acne.

What is the best way to deal with adult acne? Like many other ailments, prevention is the key. Make sure that a proper diet is being followed; get enough rest; try to find ways to alleviate stress; maintain proper hygiene to prevent dust from accumulating and blocking the pores. Washing the face once or twice a day and using hypoallergenic or noncomedogenic cosmetics and other personal care products can go a long way towards preventing adult acne.

Treatment options abound for persons with adult acne, however mild or severe their condition may be. Dermatologists may recommend anti-acne medications to be taken in conjunction with other skin care products. More severe cases – such as those involving infection – can be treated with antibiotics to prevent complications. Very severe cases of adult acne have several therapeutic regimes, such as microdermabrasion and laser surgery. A person suffering from adult acne, whatever the level of severity, should consult a dermatologist or other qualified professionals to get the treatment option that is the most suitable for him or her.

Patricia Tyler is the editor of http://www.acne-community.com - the web site for learning more about and discussing acne treatments and many other acne topics.

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Adult Acne

Adult acne (also called “rosacea”) is a common inflammatory skin disorder that tends to arise between 30 and 50 years of age. It is a disease of uncertain etiology and is more likely to affect faired skinned persons.

The basic adult acne lesion, called the comedo, is a sebaceous follicle plugged with sebum, tiny hairs, dead cells and sometimes bacteria. Closed comedones with some pathological changes in pilosebaceous duct (hypercornification of the duct) are called whiteheads. Open comedones that present when whiteheads reach the skin’s surface and touch air are called blackheads. Their black color is not dirt, but the melanin (skin pigment) that accumulates in the opening of the oil gland. Other troublesome acne lesions can develop such as papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Papules and pustules are blockages of oil glands that are inflamed. Papules are red lesions (pimples). Pustules are pimples topped by pus-filled lesions that are usually red at the base. Nodules are large, painful, solid lesions that are deep-seated within the skin. They may develop additional infection and have the potential to produce long-term scarring. Cystic acne is considered the severe acne form. They are tender, sensitive, deeper, painful, pus-filled lesions that cause scarring.

The goals of adult acne treatment should include clearance of acne, prevention of scarring and, morbidity minimization. Patient education is the first and at times the most crucial step for effective acne treatment. It is essential to dispel myths that consumption of greasy food, potato chips, sugar and chocolates are responsible for the development of acne. The patient must be advised to cleanse the skin gently and use a non-comedogenic moisturizer. The patient should also avoid picking and rubbing the skin and using scented or harsh skin products. Other important preventive measures should include use of proper shaving technique and being consistent with the skin care regimen. Drinking more water can also help skin stay healthy. Evidence states that modification of the testosterone dose; dosing schedule or delivery method helps improve acne symptoms.

Patients with mild to severe adult acne form can be treated with topical or oral medicines. Although systemic therapy is mainly used for treatment of severe form of adult acne, it is sometimes needed for moderate cases. A variety of systemic agents used to clear adult acne include interlesional corticosteroid injection, isotretinoin, oral antibiotics (tetracycline and erythromycin) and oral contraceptives.

Azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, erythromycin, and sodium sulfacetamide are the prescription topical antimicrobials used to treat adult acne in the United States. Several types of prescription topical retinoids used to treat adult acne include adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin.

Acne provides detailed information about acne, acne medication, acne products, and more. Acne is affiliated with Acne Skin Care Products.

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Acne's Early Warning Signals

At the first sign of acne you should be ready to spring into action. What are acne's first signs?

The symptoms to watch for are small, tender, red spots that later turn into pimples containing puss like degraded fatty acids. These first signs of ance usually disappear over a few days or weeks, depending on the severity.

Because severe acne can cause scars it's important to act quickly when you spot skin blemishes. Your first action should be:

- Avoid working in with oil, grease and other chemicals.

- Do your best to control stress or emotional tension.

- Refrain from squeezing or picking at the pimples.

Next you must get to work on an acne prevention plan:

- Wash your face regularly with a mild cleanser. Wash your skin whenever you feel perspiration. Use a light touch when washing as hard scrubbing may aggravate your acne.

- Shampoo your hair regularly and wear a style that prevents your hair from constantly touching your face.

- Shield your skin from excessive cold, heat and sunlight. Extended exposure to sunlight may burn your skin and can even lead to skin cancer.

- Avoid oily creams and foundations. They clog pores and may cause pimples. Use water-based moisturizers.

- Adopt a sensible, varied diet. Drink lots of water and exercise regularly.

Should you rush to a dermatologist at the first sign of a skin blemish? Probably not.
Mild acne can be treated with over-the-counter medications. It's wise to ask your pharmacist for advice on an acne remedy. They stay up to date on the most effective treatments and can give valuable advice.

Try the pills, lotions or creams recommend by your pharmacist for six to eight weeks. It takes time to get acne under control. If you acne gets worse instead of better in that time your best bet is to visit a dermatologist.

Treating acne is like going to war. Be ready to fight back at the first sign of an acne attack.

Mark Walters web site presents everything about acne cures, remedies, treatments and advice http://www.acnerescue.com


Acne, the Scourge of Youth

Plan a date; get ready for the prom, set the date for your senior picture or just want to look nice. What always happens; you know, acne, a zit as big as a cabbage lands on your face or on your nose. You feel like an alien in a land of smooth skinned movie stars. Why don’t the popular kids get acne? What are they doing that you aren’t doing. Why me; why me; why does this always happen to me. I’m a good person; why am I plagued with acne. No one knows for sure why people, especially teenagers, get acne. In the fifties and sixties, teens were told that chocolate caused acne or eating too much fried food caused acne. No one really knew anything to do except use Noxzema and pray. There were only acne treatments, no cures. Having acne was seen as a rite of passage.

Today we know much more about acne and acne treatments. Some people have acne so bad that they take prescription medicine so strong that they must sign that they will not get pregnant while taking the drug. Other people take natural acne treatments because the idea of using potentially harmful treatments scares them more than the acne. The major problem with acute acne is that it can cause acne scars so bad that people have to seek acne laser treatments to improve their skin. Still others go to the grocery store and find over the counter acne products. As anyone who has ever suffered from acne will tell you, acne can rob you of your dignity and your feelings of self-worth. Our outward appearance, especially during the teen years, is so important. I know, “Pretty is as pretty does.” Well, pretty never seems to have acne.

People can be so cruel to acne sufferers. They can call you tomato face, pimple face, scar man or hundreds of ugly taunts. Because teens need to look good to feel good about themselves, the market for acne treatments is enormous. Commercials on television are always advertising the latest in acne medications especially during teen shows. The kids on the show always have smooth, blemish free faces and look exactly like every teen wants to look. Teens want to buy whatever acne medication is new and different in the hope that this new acne treatment will work better than others.

There are even infomercials about acne treatments and acne cover-ups. These infomercials show adults who are looking for make-up to cover-up acne or acne scars. This heavy make-up does seem to cover up scaring or acne on the people doing the infomercial. There are also infomercials about adult acne solutions. Unfortunately, some adults do still get acne. There is a huge market of acne medications or acne treatments for adult acne, not on just the face but also for people who suffer from acne back. Shame makes these people fear others seeing their acne.

One truth remains. There is no cure for acne but there are steps that can be taken to help prevent it. People who think that youth is wasted on the young probably never had acne.

After years as an educator and more degrees than she can count, Frances Coleman now writes professionally. She is a prolific reader with an advanced degree in research techniques. Learn more ways to prevent acne.

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Acne Treatment Tips

Acne is a broad term which includes blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can strike at any age. Effective acne treatments are sometimes difficult to find, and understanding acne and prevention can be frustrating. Here are some acne treatment tips that have worked for many.

Although acne isn’t life threatening it can be uncomfortable and hard on your ego. There has always been a debate about the actual cause of acne. The actual cause isn’t as important as finding a cure.

So is there a cure for acne. Well yes and no. There are many products available and for some they are a cure, for others they do not help. A cure is only a cure when you find a product that works for you.

Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient. Once you’ve got your acne cleared up it’s important to continue with the treatment that’s working so it does not return.

If you have serious acne it is best to consult a dermatologist. However in milder cases you will often be able to get it under control by yourself just by preservering. Try these tips to conquer your acne.


Regular exercise helps keep your whole body in shape. It builds your immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body. It’s a great start to fighting acne.


You need to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients that your body needs. They boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They can work towards helping you get rid of the acne. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush your system of toxins.


Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue.


Hormones can play a role in acne flare ups and they can be used to reduce outbreaks. Your doctor may decide to use HRT to eliminate or reduce your acne outbreaks.

Clean Skin

You need to avoid harsh scrubbing of your face but you also need to thoroughly clean your skin nightly. Use a mild cleaning regime every night. Once or twice a week you should also use an exfoliator to gently remove damaged skin and unplug pores.


Is actually a great exfoliating treatment the removes dead skin. However you should never shave an area that is infected or inflamed. Always use a shaving cream if your skin is sensitive.


Can be a contributing factor to acne so try to relax and unwind. Emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body which can cause an outbreak.

You can help control your acne outbreaks by following these simple steps. What are you waiting for?

M.D. Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at The Acne Cure

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Acne Treatment Scams Revealed

Wouldn't it be nice to have clear acne free skin and not have to worry about waking up to yet another bad skin day? Of course it would. And many low moral internet marketers know that's what you want too - you're easy money to them.

They know that they can sell you a useless product with the promise of smooth, clear skin and the guarantee that you can rid yourself of the psychological pain that acne causes . They want you to believe that their "latest breakthrough" or "miracle herb from the rainforests of South America will give you results beyond your wildest dreams - the sad truth is that it's highly unlikely that you'll get any results at all.

How do I know this? Because I've tried just about every product and guide out there, I need to tell you straight that 99% of the products available are completely useless and 99.9% of the people selling them are complete frauds. Of course, there are a few exceptions.

To cut to the chase, I contacted every internet site selling acne "cures" that I could and told them I was either interested in buying their business or acting as a distributor (obviously I can't go into too much detail about what I actually said to them otherwise they'll work out who I am). As soon as these people thought they were going to get a big deal out of this that would make them rich they were unbelievably willing to spill the beans on what they really thought about what they were selling. The results were shocking to say the least.

One owner boasted to me that he knew full well that his information product (a guide to acne treatment at home) was less than useless but that most customers were too stupid to go through the complicated procedure he had set up for them to receive a refund.

Another told me that there was nothing in the herbal formula that she sold that could in any way clear acne, but she knew that acne sufferers were "so desperate they'd buy anything".

These people are laughing all the way to the bank with your money.

I don't really want to leave you feeling so negative after reading this, the good news is that there are several acne treatment programs out there that really do work. It just takes a long time to figure out which ones they are.

There is one product in particular that stands out in my mind, when I approached the website owner (in the way I mentioned above) they really seemed to believe in what they were selling and that it could make a difference to their customers.

I think the lesson from all this is - buyer beware. Especially on the internet where there are many faceless companies fighting for control of our wallets and purses.

All the best in your search for clear skin.



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Acne Treatment

The goals of acne treatment should include clearance of acne and prevention of scarring. Patient education is the first and at times the most crucial step for effective acne treatment. It is essential to dispel myths that consumption of greasy food, potato chips, sugar and chocolates are responsible for the development of acne. The patient must be advised to cleanse the skin gently and use a non-comedogenic moisturizer. The patient should also avoid picking and rubbing the skin and using scented or harsh skin products. Other important preventive measures should include use of proper shaving technique and being consistent with the skin care regimen. Drinking more water can also help skin stay healthy. Evidence states that modification of the testosterone dose; dosing schedule or delivery method helps improve acne symptoms.

Patients with mild to severe acne can be treated with topical or oral medicines. Although systemic therapy is mainly used for treatment of severe acne, it is sometimes needed for moderate cases.

A variety of systemic agents used to clear acne include interlesional corticosteroid injection, isotretinoin, oral antibiotics (tetracycline and erythromycin) and oral contraceptives. Interlesional corticosteroid injection is a much - diluted corticosteroid injected by the dermatologist to treat severely inflamed cysts and prevent scarring. It helps treat acne by “melting” the cyst over a period of 3-5 days. Isotretinoin (a derivative of vitamin A) is a very effective oral drug that can help prevent scarring but because of its potential for serious side effects it is contraindicated in pregnant women and in many other conditions. Isotretinoin acts by reducing the size of the sebaceous glands thus preventing the excess secretion of oil and thereby decreasing the growth of bacteria. It has been estimated that up to 90% of patients’ treatment with isotretinoin result in complete or almost complete recovery from cystic acne.

Tetracycline and erythromycin are effective broad- spectrum oral antibiotics used to treat moderate to severe inflammatory acne. Tetracycline reduces inflammatory lesions of acne but is contraindicated in pregnant and breast feeding women, and children of less than 8 years of age. Doxycycline and minocycline, the synthetic derivatives of tetracycline, are also used to treat acne. Appropriate oral contraceptives that are valuable adjuncts in the treatment of acne in females include: ethynodiol, norgestimate, norethindrone and norethindrone acetate. They act by inhibiting the overactivity of sebaceous glands (oil glands).

Azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, erythromycin, and sodium sulfacetamide are the prescription topical antimicrobials used to treat acne vulgaris in the United States. Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring acid that has bacteriostatic and keratolytic properties. Benzoyl peroxide is inexpensive and best at killing P. acnes. When used in combination with antibiotics (erythromycin, clindamycin), benzoyl peroxide increases efficacy and reduces antibiotic resistance. Clindamycin is a safe and well tolerated semi-synthetic antibiotic that acts by reducing P. acnes and decreasing inflammation. Topical erythromycin is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent but may cause skin dryness and possible irritation. Sodium sulfacetamide products mostly contain sulfur and are used in patients who cannot tolerate other topical antimicrobials.

Several types of prescription topical retinoids used to treat acne include adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin. Adapalene is a synthetic retinoid analog that unclogs pores and demonstrates anti-inflammatory properties. Tazarotene is a second-line retinoid option that helps treat acne by stopping the development of new comedones. Tretinoin is a natural retinoid that works to gradually unclog pores and keep them unplugged.

Acne provides detailed information about acne, acne medication, acne products, and more. Acne is affiliated with Acne Skin Care Products.

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Acne There Are a Lot of Treatments to Fight Acne

Acne is the most widespread skin disorder in the world, according to statistics. Experts spend a lot of time doing research to determine how acne forms and how it is eliminated. Different treatments, medicines, and products have been produced to help control and eliminate this skin disorder.

There exit about 7 different treatments that are used in prevention and elimination of acne. There are also much different products that use these treatments in one way or another.

Some of these acne treatments that help to reduce or eliminate acne problems are: Accutane, antibiotics, Benzoyl Peroxide, herbal remedies, Retin-A and Salicylic Acid, among others.

Accutane (Isotetinoin) is a powerful drug that is normally prescribed for severe acne in cases where other treatments have failed to work. It is normally taken for a 4-6-month period.

Antibiotics were designed to fight bacteria. These are used to control acne mainly from the inside. Some topical antibiotics (clindamycin) are applied directly to the skin. Other antibiotics (tetracycline) are in pill form.

Benzoyl Peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent that has been used to control acne for many years. It has been proven to work very well in the elimination and prevention of acne.

Herbal Remedies are a relative newcomer to mainstream acne fighting. It is thought that certain herbs are effective in regulating oil levels and other bodily functions that are part of acne.

Retin-A (tretinoin) is a combination of retinoic acid and vitamin A acid. It was designed to treat acne, sun damage, and wrinkles. It unplugs follicles and turnovers over dead skin cells.

Salicylic acid helps to slow down the shedding of cells inside the follicle and it is available in many treatments purchasable without a doctor’s prescription.

Article written by Hector Milla, editor of http://www.acnetreatmentstips.com , a website pointing the
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Acne Therapies and Therapeutic Agents

The market for acne therapies and therapeutic agents presents various products for the effective prevention and treatment of acne. The important oral acne treatment products that are available in the market include Vibramycin (doxycycline), Minocin (minocycline), Zovia (ethynodiol diacetate), OrthoCyclen (norgestimate), Norlutin (norethindrone), Aygestin (norethindrone acetate), and Accutane (Isotretinoin).

Vibramycin and Minocin are effective broad-spectrum oral antibiotics used to treat moderate to severe inflammatory acne. They help reduce the inflammatory lesions of acne but are contradicted in pregnant and breast feeding women, and children of less than 8 years of age.

Zovia, OrthoCyclen, Norlutin and Aygestin are appropriate oral contraceptives that prevent acne in females by inhibiting the overactivity of sebaceous glands (oil glands).

Accutane (a derivative of vitamin A) is a very effective oral drug that can help prevent scarring but because of its potential for serious side effects it is contraindicated in pregnant women and in many other conditions. It acts by reducing the size of the sebaceous glands thus preventing the excess secretion of oil and decreasing the growth of bacteria. It has been estimated that up to 90% of patients’ treatment with isotretinoin result in complete or almost complete recovery from cystic acne.

A variety of important topical products used to treat acne include Retin-A (retinoid analog), Retin-A Micro (tretinoin microsphere), Differin (adapalene), Tazorac (tazarotene), BenzaClin (includes 1 percent clindamycin with 5 percent benzoyl peroxide), Benzamycin (includes 3 percent erythromycin with 5 percent benzoyl peroxide) and Azelex (azelaic acid). Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Differin, Tazorac, and Azelex are effective treatments for mild acne.

Retin-A and Retin-A Micro are natural retinoid that gradually unclog pores and keep them unplugged. Differin is a synthetic retinoid analog that unclogs pores and demonstrates anti-inflammatory properties. Tazorac is a second-line retinoid option that helps treat acne by stopping the development of new comedones. Azelex is a naturally occurring acid that has bacteriostatic and keratolytic properties.

BenzaClin and Benzamycin have bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for mild to moderate acne treatment. Benzoyl peroxide is inexpensive and best at killing P. acnes. When used in combination with antibiotics (BenzaClin and Benzamycin), benzoyl peroxide increases efficacy and reduces antibiotic resistance.

Acne provides detailed information about acne, acne medication, acne products, and more. Acne is affiliated with Acne Skin Care Products.

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